3 min readJun 13, 2021


When looking at the possibilities of the future, it is important to look at BOTH the positive and the potential negative impacts in order to respond properly.

I’ve been seeing the Domino’s commercial and thought about ordering a pizza just to see the robot. I think it’s so cool! 😍

While it is actually very cool, I can see the negative impacts and how my community will be negatively impacted in a great way. I’ve been in the trenches for almost 3 years now working at level 1 with an MBA and God allowed it so that I might see and understand what’s coming.

The following pics are about the replacements of people/jobs with robots. 😍😮😕 That time has arrived where robots will be way more prevalent and will make the plight of poor minorities even more difficult.

In my day, getting to be 16 years old was a big deal because we could work to make our own money and the fast food industry provided the most opportunities. It was the stepping stone to getting experience which would provide you an opportunity to move up, start your career and get an even better paying job within that industry or another. Getting some type of job at that age provided a great advantage, it gave you experience, provided discipline and put you in line to achieve success! Thus, having those jobs were CRUCIAL for the poor.

Unfortunately, what has happened in the past several decades was a bombardment of messages against getting a job at McDonald’s or any fast food job for that matter, that somehow they made you less than? So, teenagers started avoiding those jobs and many decided not to work at all getting their first job in their early 20’s and work ethics took a STEEP dive forcing the fast food industry and other companies to look at robots as an alternative and best option to remain in business. Robots don’t sleep, will always show up and won’t provide excuses why they can’t do something. 🤷‍♀️

Just in case you haven’t paid attention, poor minority neighborhoods are in shambles, drug use and prostitution rampant, criminal activity rising and getting a job made even more difficult because of a lack of discipline, belief you’re less than for having to work level 1 jobs. IT’S A STEPPING STONE! SOMEBODY HAS TO WORK THOSE JOBS! Even worse, when given an opportunity for a level 1 job, friends family would poke fun at them and then they would begin to not show up/lose that job.

To complicate matters more, Democrats have made great inroads to adding fuel to this fire. They’re now making marijuana legal which is the ANTITHESIS to production…the very reason why poor neighborhoods are poor. Legalizing marijuana gives even greater acceptance to its use and protecting children’s growing brains, whom when exposed damage occurs from that exposure, is made EXTRA difficult!

Today I stand on the deck of the present looking into the future and see fast food jobs as a vehicle and stepping stone out of poverty being removed and great difficulty arising. 😟😔 Without discipline and a proper education yet a great thirst for things and wealth, where will my people and the poor in general land?

